Sunday, April 18, 2010

Brief Sighting of Wood Ducks!

8:00 a.m and about 44 degrees. Cloudy. I was hoping the rain would hold off, which it did for about 20 minutes and then it started though it was very light.

Our latest additions at the park have been some chipping sparrows that have appeared. They are so petite! All our regulars were out although definitely not in full force. Guess they don't like the rain that much either. In the upper gardens I swear I heard a house wren returned from it's southern travels, but couldn't see it. It seems too early. The one in  my yard always seems to appear on Mother's day. I can pretty reliably go on the Mother's Day birdwalk at Nahanton and come home and find the house wren has arrived. But I guess every year is different. I'll have to get my wren houses put up now.

Down near the soccer fields I have been seeing a couple of white-throated sparrows poking around in the brush. As I peered through the shrubs towards the pond, I saw a pair of wood ducks coming in for a landing, willing to join a pair of mallards, but it was as if they sensed my presence because they immediately took off again. I know others have seen them there, but that was my first sighting in the three years I've been going there.

Let's hope for nicer weather as the birds start arriving.

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