Sunday, February 13, 2011

Red Bellies and Brown Creepers!

25 degrees this morning and pretty overcast.

The meadow is now surrounded by more enormous snowbanks. Top soil has accidentally been dug up and lays in mounds atop snow banks or dangling from the sides. No wonder this meadow has such a hard time growing flowers.

At any rate, had a nice walk all around the park today. Since it's February, I was hoping for some mergansers in the river, but  I soon realized, the river is pretty much frozen as far as the eye can see, so that would be impossible right now. I had to control myself from walking out on the frozen river. It's awfully tempting, but I knew I shouldn't.

There seemed to be several red-bellied woodpeckers about today. They were quite vocal, but not with their purring noises - just a lot of nasal squawking. This particular one was in the upper gardens hanging out with some nuthatches.

I caught a glimpse of a brown creeper in the woods right near the bee hives. I am so excited to have finally seen one this year! Tried to capture him digitally, but no such luck. He kept moving on, ahead of me.

This cardinal (to left) was chipping away as he surveyed the upper gardens. Isn't he beautiful? There was a mockingbird nearby and I could hear the calls of the titmice but didn't get to see any. Blue jays were there as well and I'm sure many others that I didn't get to see.

The lower gardens are pretty impassable at least from the upper gardens side.

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