We couldn't have had better weather for a cleanup at Woodcock Meadow on Saturday. It was sunny and mild and we had a great turnout.
I'd like to thank all our generous and hardworking volunteers for an incredible job: Jane Sender, Bill Fenstenmacher, John Koot, Haynes Miller, Chris Hepburn, Sabrina Hepburn, Ian Reid, Bill Hagar, Duane Hillis and myself. Judy Dore from Newton Parks and Recreation showed up as well as Carol Schein to check in and see how it all was going which was really nice, especially considering Judy is just recovering from knee replacement surgery. Thanks to Bob DeRubeis and Carol Schein for making this possible and for sponsoring our dumpster. We are very appreciative.

Everyone accomplished so much, that the dumpster was full by the end of the day with white pine and cedar overflow in a large pile nearby. We got rid of some invasive buckthorn and a lot of unproductive crabapple as well as some cedars.
Since the dumpster is full, we have
CANCELLED our volunteer day for
Saturday, Nov. 17th. As this will be an ongoing project, we have learned from this experience and next year we will rent a chipper. It will be a lot more efficient.
In the afternoon, we saw a tiny palm warbler who seemed to enjoy watching us as it explored the meadow.
Mary Lou wrote me earlier this week to report a fox sparrow, swamp sparrow and at least six American tree sparrows!
I ran into her again today. I had been hearing Carolina wrens, but had not had any lucky seeing them. She located them this morning in the lower gardens and I finally got to see the feisty little things. They were very striking with their beautiful chocolate heads and the crisp, white eye stripe.
Otherwise, it was mostly our regulars. i.e., cardinals, robins, goldfinches, downy woodpeckers, house finches, song sparrows, white throated sparrows, tufted titmice, chickadees and dozens and dozens of juncos!