Red-tailed Hawk |
I started 2012
birding at Nahanton Park on New Years Day and thought it only
appropriate that I start 2013 the same way. I also thought this would be a good
second outing with a new camera lens (I'm so glad to have autofocus
Nahanton was a sunny and snowy winter wonderland when I
arrived at noon, much later than planned. The first find of the day was a
small cluster of juncos (first birds of the year) while parking. The lower
gardens were initially pretty quiet with a few song sparrow and house
finches. As I rounded the back corner of the gardens I heard blue jays
calling, then I startled as a jay right behind me imitated a
red-tailed hawk. It took me a second to realize that this scream had too much power to be a blue jay! I spun around
and found three massive buteos circling right above me. Then she
screamed again, and if the auburn tail didn't give it away, the single
descending scream is unmistakable. I wish I had been able to record that
sound (here's a link to a
recording). I watched as one adult and two juveniles circled
overhead before raising in altitude and soaring off over the park. No hint of
Haynes' red-shouldered hawk though.
Common Redpoll |
While walking towards the upper garden I spotted the Carolina wren, if only
for a few seconds and some fly over crows. The upper gardens were even
quieter than the lower gardens. I almost made a full circuit with only
some furtive song sparrows to show for it when I reached the small
clearing with two birches, one of which leans heavily. I think Suzette
called this spot warbler city at one point. I was almost on top of the trees when I realized they contained two
common redpolls! I was so excited, not only were
these life birds for me, but I have also been searching for winter
finches recently! I sat and watched them for a long while as they bounced
around the birches eating the seeds from the
catkins. It was amazing to think about their stubby beaks and small seeds compared to their
crossbill cousins with massive curved beaks for prying open pine cones. The redpolls' purplish-red caps were
iridescent in the sun making a wonderful addition to the snowy park. These little balls of feather are able to survive some of the harshest arctic winters with their thick plumage and sometimes even burrow into the snow to shelter during the night.
Brown Creeper |
I tore myself away from them with difficulty and headed down the path by the swamp and river. The river was high and some of the path and flooded and frozen making the going slow. The only birds down there were house sparrows, robins, and a lone titmouse. There was a downy by the nature center and up in woodcock meadow I was delighted to hear the thin waivering call note of a
brown creeper! I was able to find him and enjoyed watching him spiral the tree trunks searching for food.
I was hoping to make it through the woods by the JCC searching for more finches in the pines, but my time was running out and I really wanted to see the redpolls again. I passed through the soccer field checking the birches, but only found some white-throated sparrows. Back in the upper gardens the two birches now had five redpolls! So I spent a few more minutes soaking in their presence before heading back to the car.
This was truly a fantastic way to start 2013 and I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year!
1/2/2013 Today I found a flock of 7 redpolls in the birches by the soccer field, so maybe they are staying around?