Sunday, September 22, 2024

Could this be a Swainson's Hawk?

Nice morning at Nahanton Park, after yesterday's rain. Becky was finding things, and later Reade. Warblers: Common Yellowthroat, Northern Parula, Black-throated Green, Nashville, Black-and-white, Magnolia, and this Tennessee Warbler in the upper garden. 

While I was looking around Woodcock Meadow, this bird flew over. I didn't have my camera set right, so the pictures are even worse than usual. I thought this was a Swainson's Hawk: White wing linings and underparts, long wings, short densely barred tail, hint of throat color and hood. But in fact it's an Osprey, just holding its wings out straight in migration. 

Here are a couple more warblers: