Took a walk down to the river to see if I could find the mergansers again. I heard the red bellied woodpecker near the pond on the way down and later in the stand of trees bordering the upper gardens and soccer field but never did see it - however, we had a beautiful pair in our backyard a few days ago. That was a nice surprise.

Some kind person is feeding the birds by leaving seed on a picnic table down near the river. (I may join this effort myself). At any rate, it attracted song sparrows, tree sparrows and white throated sparrows whom I have pictured here, sharing their dining table while a pair of mourning doves watched from above. Sadly, the mergansers were not there but I'm sure they will reappear.

Nothing much happening in the lower gardens. Very quiet. The light is changing though and I know that spring will be coming and I can't wait!