The low river was quite a sight - old cars and metal parts were sticking out in various places. From overflowing banks in the spring to this - it certainly has been quite a spring and summer. Ian asked one of the Charles River Canoe employees what was going on. Apparently the state had ordered a lowering of the water level in the Charles in case the hurricane should cause flooding.

I went back today and saw a fox on the road heading toward the soccer field. It saw me and high tailed it into the woods. I think I have seen it enough times to consider it an official Nahanton Park resident.
Today saw our usual friends: blue jays, robins, mockingbirds, flickers, red-bellied, downy and flicker woodpeckers, catbirds, yellow throat females, titmice, goldfinches, song sparrows and a Baltimore oriole. I was happy to see the American Redstart down near the soccer field and I think it was a male because it was darker, but it still had the beautiful blush of yellow color on its sides.
The chickadees were having a blast with these sunflowers. It was a real party! I watched them for a long time while they socialized and performed all kinds of acrobatics as they attempted to extract the seeds from the heads.
For anyone new reading this blog, The Friends of Nahanton Park has a new website. They have a list of walks and activities this fall and it looks like a great lineup!
Click here to view The Friends of Nahanton Park Website.
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