Later in the morning we came across this Hermit Thrush
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Fall BBC walk surprises
A party of five toured the Park this morning as a Brookline Bird Club walk. It was pretty quite but there were some nice surprises, especially this Brown Thrasher, my latest fall record by three weeks and my first there in three years.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Crowns in the gardens
I walked through Nahanton Park on Wednesday and Friday mornings. Some interesting birds both days, including an Orange-crowned Warbler and one or more immature White-crowned Sparrows. This morning, a couple of Ruby-crowned Kinglets were showing off also. All this activity was in the lower garden.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Fall Bird Walk with Haynes Miller
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Eastern Phoebe |
Ian, myself and three brave souls arrived at 8:00 and toured the soccer field area, the lower gardens and the upper gardens.
We had some very nice sightings including a blue-headed or solitary vireo and all are listed below:
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) 20
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) 1
Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) 3
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) 1
Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) 1
Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) 4
Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) 1
Blue-headed Vireo (Vireo solitarius) 1
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) 6
Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) 6
White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) 3
American Robin (Turdus migratorius) 6
Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) 3
Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) 1
Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) 4
Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens) 5
Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) 15
Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) 5
Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) 3
Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) 1
American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) 6
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) 8
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Saturday morning at the Park with Chris
Chris L and I met up at 7:30 this morning, and were soon joined by Mary Lou. Still no exciting fall sparrows, but some warblers. At the lower garden I watched this encounter between a Black-and-white Warbler and a Magnolia Warbler --
Later, at the upper garden, we found the first Indigo Bunting of the season, and two of these Black-throated Green Warblers --
There were also several Redstarts at various places, and quite a few Catbirds.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Warbler season
The first bird I saw at the Park was this Philadelphia Vireo, in the Ailanthus at the lower garden. There was also an American Redstart, a Prairie Warbler, and this Blue-winged Warbler.
At the upper garden I found this very tattered Viceroy.
There is a plot in the upper garden with netting over the top. Today was the fourth time I've found a bird trapped in this evil arrangement: a Nashville Warbler doing its best to escape. I resisted ripping off the roof .... just opened the flap over the door and moved to the other side to encourage the bird to leave. I'm sure this did no good for the bird's feathers, but at least it survived.
Warbler season
The first bird I saw at the Park was this Philadelphia Vireo, in the Ailanthus at the lower garden. There was also an American Redstart, a Prairie Warbler, and this Blue-winged Warbler.
At the upper garden I found this very tattered Viceroy.
There is a plot in the upper garden with netting over the top. Today was the fourth time I've found a bird trapped in this evil arrangement: a Nashville Warbler doing its best to escape. I resisted ripping off the roof .... just opened the flap over the door and moved to the other side to encourage the bird to leave. I'm sure this did no good for the bird's feathers, but at least it survived.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
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Song sparrow munching on seed |
As I was so early and the sun was just coming out in the upper gardens, I headed up there first for a change. It was extremely quiet save for a fair number of robins, a cardinal couple, some catbirds, song sparrows, goldfinches and hummers. The lack of rain is taking it's toll - especially on trees, plants and shrubs that aren't getting watered by the gardeners.
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Tithonia aka Mexican Sunflower |
As I was about to leave the lower gardens, I saw a squirrel and caught him red-handed! He was climbing out of someones garden and was about to go down the outside of the fence. He had the hugest yellow-orange tomato in his mouth. He looked at me and scurried down the fence and when he hit the ground, he dropped the tomato and ran into the woods. The little scoundrel!
The flowers in the gardens are mature and so colorful. What a beautiful time of year.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Quiet, but beautiful...
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Ruby-throated hummer |
I was struck by how very quiet it was in the lower gardens save for the insects of late summer, but as I walked around, little sounds started to make themselves known and the birds started to appear. First, a female cardinal landed on a fence not far away. Then a hummingbird appeared. Song sparrows were busy foraging in the high weeds and sadly several house sparrows were in a huge flock devouring seeds on the tall stems of overgrown grass. Seagulls and then a lone mallard flew overhead.
A seemingly lone house wren scolded from the back of the gardens near where they had nested after the tree swallows. Two eastern phoebes seemed bent on chasing each other from tree to tree. A catbird called from the path. The gardens are so full of bounty. I wish I had a garden there myself.
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Morning Glories |
I had to check on the artichokes again. It's so fascinating to see them growing. I didn't realize last week that there are four plants, only two of which have bloomed, but they each have about three flowers on them! I will have to keep an eye on them to see how they develop into the full artichoke. Although I've failed miserably in the past in my own garden, maybe this will give me the impetus to try again.
As I headed to my car, I was so happy to hear a peewee calling from one of it's favorite areas - the woods behind the JCC.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Migration season starting...
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Blue-gray gnatcatcher |
The lower gardens had lots of robins. No more tree swallows or yellow warblers, at least this morning. The gardens are bursting with flowers and ripe vegetables and it was a beautiful sight.
There were hummingbirds whizzing about, goldfinches, downy woodpeckers, cardinals, catbirds, and song sparrows. Of special note, I was surprised to see a few blue-gray gnatcatchers out and about as well as a black & white warbler. Saw a few yellowthroat females as well. Ran into Mary Lou who saw a Northern parula.
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Artichoke |
The upper gardens were very much the same with the addition of chickadees and a flicker. I ran into a
father/daughter team who were out searching for the tanager that had been reported on e-bird, but they couldn't find it. In one of the gardens, I was amazed to find an artichoke growing. It was quite splendid with it's bright purple hairs sticking up and the leaves of the choke starting to form. I don't think I've ever seen one at this stage.
The soccer field had a swallow that was dipping and diving so quickly, I wasn't sure if it was a tree or barn swallow. There were more common yellowthroats and robins, but otherwise fairly quiet. The pond is now dried up, with bright green grass coming up through the mud. I was hoping to see a sandpiper or two, but it wasn't to be.
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Doe |
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Fawn |
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Bee Careful!
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Lilies |
The vegetables and flowers in the lower gardens are really coming along. It's so much fun to watch the gardens as they progress through the summer. A lot of hard work goes into them.
It was bird family day today. Young birds of all kinds are learning how to make it on their own. There were young robins, catbirds, song sparrows and yellow warblers out and about with their parents still keeping an eye on them. A very young cardinal was carefully hidden in the large apple tree in the center of the gardens as its parents watched from nearby. Wrens scolded to keep others away from their young.
The upper gardens had several titmice performing acrobatics, up in a tree. They must have been looking for bugs. Several of them were hanging upside down and they were quite vocal until I came along. Then they all took off. Goldfinch families were feeding on their favorite seeds.
I ran into Mary Lou, who showed me a bee swarm in a tree on the edge of the path on the far side of the bee hives. I called D. Reilly, the beekeeper. He was down on the Cape. He was surprised that there was a swarm at this time. He'd had seven swarms already this spring which he said was very unusual. He couldn't get up here for a couple of days, so nature must take it's course. It's quite an amazing sight.
As the coreopsis and fleabane wane, the black-eyed Susan's are starting to bloom. I have thrown in some wild lupine seeds in hopes that some day we could have a meadow full of purple, pink and white lupine. In Maine, they grow all along the highways and fields in early June and it's quite spectacular. Not sure if the soil is right for them here, but we'll see....
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Family Day & Eastern Kingbird!
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Mourning Dove and two babies |
It was definitely bird family day at the park. A few birds are still in the nest, but mostly the young are out with their parents, learning the ropes.
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Yellow Warbler baby |
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Day Lily |
The yellow warbler baby (pictured above, right), was perched in someone's garden looking very much in transition. A very bad feather day from the looks of it and quite comical, but soon it will be beautiful. Talk about "look what the cat dragged in"...
The bright orange day lilies were in bloom - right on schedule (at least this is when they bloom in my garden). Also foraging around in the gardens were cardinals, house wrens, goldfinches and song sparrows. Unfortunately, several house sparrows are now in evidence at our park. Several in the upper gardens and a few in the lower gardens. It looks like they have taken up residence here over the last few years. What a shame.
As I headed towards the soccer field and river, I was surprised to see an Eastern Kingbird (pictured at left) hanging out on a rock near the parking lot.
The pond is still in the process of drying up, but the red-winged blackbirds seem to be having a blast in there. In addition to checking things out at ground level, they were also dive bombing insects from above. It was entertaining to watch. It's funny how fast the time goes by. Seems like the birds were just arriving and now their young are leaving the nests and growing up.
We're headed for the dog days of July soon. It's been so pleasant with the cool sleeping nights and comfortable days. Please don't let the summer go too quickly. I want to savor it and enjoy it but life these days seems to be going at a whirlwind pace. That's one of the things I love about Nahanton. It forces me to slow down and enjoy the moment and put aside all the requirements of our society for an hour or two.
Thank you Nahanton!!
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Song Sparrow with Caterpillar |
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Eastern Kingbird |
The pond is still in the process of drying up, but the red-winged blackbirds seem to be having a blast in there. In addition to checking things out at ground level, they were also dive bombing insects from above. It was entertaining to watch. It's funny how fast the time goes by. Seems like the birds were just arriving and now their young are leaving the nests and growing up.
We're headed for the dog days of July soon. It's been so pleasant with the cool sleeping nights and comfortable days. Please don't let the summer go too quickly. I want to savor it and enjoy it but life these days seems to be going at a whirlwind pace. That's one of the things I love about Nahanton. It forces me to slow down and enjoy the moment and put aside all the requirements of our society for an hour or two.
Thank you Nahanton!!
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Close Encounters of the Reptile/Insect Kind
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Milkweed |
I'm happy to report that I saw several milkweed plants in the lower gardens and that will be a good thing for the Monarch butterflies.
The lower gardens had our usual tree swallows which are still there but many seem done breeding. The house wrens have moved in and are tending their broods. It was fairly quiet. Mostly catbirds, robins, song sparrows and yellow warblers today.
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Red-eared Slider |
Their are several wildflowers blooming now in the meadow as well as two different beautiful native roses - a dark pink variety in the lower gardens and a mid-tone clear pink in the upper gardens. The sumac is starting to flower and Queen Anne's lace is developing buds.
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Dragonfly |
On the way back, I saw a dark mass in the soccer field grass. I was dreading the discovery. I was certain it was a dead bird or animal and I wasn't looking forward to seeing it. However, as I got closer, it was a turtle!!!! A red-eared slider to be exact (you can see a tiny bit of red to the side of his eye. I have just read that although it is native to the southeastern U.S., it has become an invasive up North, outcompeting our native turtles. Hmmmmm....
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Garter Snake |
It had seemed such a quiet morning. I love the way Nahanton Park is full of surprises. You just never know what you might see.
And by the way, the dreaded invasive swallow-wort is starting to bloom. If you have the energy, bring some snips with you - snip off the flowers and put all in a black plastic trash bag. DO NOT put it in with yard waste. We don't want to spread any more of it around. It's really taking over our park.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Beautiful morning!
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House Wren |
I was greeted immediately by house wrens and tree swallows. The witchety witchety of the common yellowthroat rang out and I was bound and determined to find him - especially since I spent a week on Hog Island in Maine, only to hear him and never see him. I finally found him in an unusual spot, high up in a tree top. I'll apologize for the picture in advance, but he was quite far away!
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Common Yellowthroat |
Lots of yellow warblers. We saw one yesterday at the June Doin' event on the Pete Gilmore bird walk. We found a nest and watched as mom flew in to sit on it. That had the people on the walk quite excited. A couple of mourning doves paraded around the path. A baltimore oriole female dropped down into a garden and flew away, presumably with some bugs for her brood. Not sure where her nest is this year as they're not in the same spot they were last year. I think it might be in the oak trees at the back edge of the lower gardens. Of course there were catbirds and robins, a couple of grackles and song sparrows.
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Yellow Warbler |
The soccer field/pond area was fairly quiet. A red-winged blackbird male was feeding it's baby that
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Robin with nesting material |
The river was quiet save for an oriole calling and a blue jay calling from the JCC woods.
We heard from Larry (Charles River Canoe and Kayak) yesterday at the June Doin' event that eagles have been seen nesting near the river in Waltham. That would be a fun canoe trip.
On my way back to the car, a great blue heron flew overhead. What a beautiful sight.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Lady slipper time of year
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Lady slipper twins |
The bird excitement has definitely quieted down. There was some singing, but it seems that most of the birds are settling down to their mating and nesting duties. There were robins and warblers sitting on their nests and others in the process of building theirs. Even the tree swallows have quieted down. Some have even had their babies. The lower gardens sported yellow warblers, orioles, song sparrows, cowbirds, catbirds, house wrens and robins.
The upper gardens were similar save for a red-bellied woodpecker, goldfinches and house finches. The plots are going great guns, especially with cold weather crops like lettuces etc. and several gardeners were out working the soil, even though it was early in the morning.
Down by the pond I could hear a warbling vireo and FINALLY heard the wood thrush calling from the area near the JCC! Yay!! Actually, I ran into Ian who said there were two wood thrush and also saw the great crested flycatcher in the lower gardens. I saw a female common yellow-throat with her olivey back and bright yellow breast busily working her way through a shrub. There seem to be a lot of winter moth caterpillars and perhaps that was what she was after. A male cardinal sang and a red-winged blackbird declared itself.
Down by the river were orioles, yellow warblers and more warbling vireos but otherwise, fairly quiet. Woodcock meadow had a catbird and nesting tree swallows and I noticed a chimney swift flying overhead.
I walked the wooded path by the JCC in hopes of finding the wood thrush, but by that time it was not to be heard. However, as I neared the end, I was happy to hear my first pee wee singing off in the distance. It is such a beautiful sound.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Heard but not seen...seen but not heard...
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Yellow warbler |
Tree swallows and yellow warblers were in great abundance in the lower gardens. While looking for warblers in one of the crabapples, I saw something moving in the leaf litter. It was quite a surprise to see an oven bird busily poking around with its beak. It never made a sound (seen but not heard).
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Warbling Vireo |
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Red-eyed vireo |
I ran into a neighbor, Susan and we walked together to the soccer field/pond area. We could hear more than one Northern parula, but for the life of us, we never could spot them - hence part of the title "heard but not seen...". There were a few goldfinches, several yellow warblers and a female hummer as well as a red-bellied woodpecker. The star of this area today was a great sighting of a black-throated blue warbler.
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Black-throated Blue Warbler |
There is a lot of bird excitement at this time of year. Between orioles and warblers chasing each other around, nest sitting, nest building and singing, it's quite busy at the park. I love this time of year. And it's not brutally hot. What a pleasure.
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