The geese are very active right now and I took this shot of a group flying overhead.

I decided to walk through the woods along the river when I heard some action in the leaves as well as tiny little squeaking noises. I was looking for a bird, when I realized there was a family of chipmunks - at least four or five and they were scurrying all through the leaves and on logs to perch for a moment and do a quick grooming and check out the scene. I was trying to get a picture which proved impossible, but I saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked up and there it was!!!!! The bald eagle flying overhead!!! I probably wouldn't have ever noticed had I not read in the bird register that someone with the initials D.T. had seen a bald eagle last week. I am so excited to see one at our Nahanton Park! Wonder if it's visiting or if it might find our park suitable for nesting????
Check out the Newton Birding blog (link to right under followers section) to see Scott's pictures of Eurasian Teals!
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