Ruby Throated Hummingbird |
It was high 60's, overcast, humid and unbelievably buggy, which really wasn't a surprise on a day like today. I had been hoping for cool air and sun but it didn't happen.
The whole park was a lot quieter than last week, but still, I had a great sighting of this male hummingbird in the lower gardens. It was one of those rare opportunities where he actually was still for a few seconds. The house wrens are in and out of the box. I think some babies have left but maybe one or two aren't quite ready yet.
Wild Rose |
There were robins, song sparrows, tree swallows, mourning doves, catbirds, titmice, yellow warblers and orioles. The best news being that eventually I saw the female bluebird near the parking lot and she flew into the box we saw her on last weekend. It really does look like they are going to nest but I don't want to get too excited.
Dead Baby Catbird |
The upper gardens were very quiet. I ran into Ian later and we both saw young woodchucks running into the scrub only he saw the mother and the baby and he said the mother ditched the baby when she heard him coming! Saw this very sad sight of a baby catbird that was dead in the back of the lower gardens. Poor thing. I heard a warbling vireo in the woods. Saw a red wing blackbird and a phoebe doing all kinds of crazy acrobatics to catch an insect. The mulberry trees are blooming and catbirds and orioles families were hanging out partaking of the goodies.
Baby House Finch? |
Heard the wood thrush in the woods near the soccer field and the frogs were singing away. Not a duck to be seen though. The river was quiet too - a few swallows, a cardinal and a kayaker.
On my way back to the car, I saw this bird and wonder if someone can identify it. It looked like possibly a juvenile house finch? This picture doesn't show it but it's breast was a little spotty.