Gorgeous day today at 6:45 a.m. Sunny and not too hot. The lower gardens were very busy with bird families. Saw robins, catbirds, song sparrows, yellow warblers, house wrens, tree swallows, barn swallows, chimney swifts, chickadees, nuthatches, goldfinches, downies and flickers.
As I was heading around the golf course side of the gardens, I heard a different sort of song and I thought it might be the red-eyed vireo. I couldn't see it, but it flew into another tree where I could get a really good look at it, and it was! They are quite beautiful, so soft and elegant.
The mulberry tree on the way to the upper gardens sported an Eastern kingbird which I also saw down near the soccer field later on.
The upper gardens were also full of activity. Someone unexpected is sitting in the previously occupied bluebird box (see pic above). Does anyone know who that is? It was too big for a house wren. I honestly have no idea what it was.

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